Crypto: Exchange App Walkthrough

I. Download App & Verification

  1. Download the app from the app store
  2. After downloading the app, click on skip to skip the main features.
  3. Click on 'Profile' (bottom left of the screen) and then click on 'Create New Account'.
  4. Enter the email address, password, and country of residence.
  5. Click on the terms of conditions, then click on register.
  6. You'll receive a confirmation email.
  7. Set up a pin code password (4 digits).
  8. Click on profile, then Verification.
  9. Enter the required information:
    • Full address (including country).
    • Choose the type of ID and scan it.
    • Lastly, take a selfie while holding the ID and a paper stating that you are a client and the current date.

Once your account is verified, you're READY TO BUY BITCOIN.

II. Purchasing Bitcoin on

  1. Click on Buy/Sell.
  2. Select the cryptocurrency you want to buy.

Remember that MyBookie accepts:

      • Bitcoin Recommended
      • Bitcoin Cash
      • Litecoin
      • Ethereum.
  1. Select the currency you want to pay with (ex: USD).
  2. Choose an amount OR manually enter an amount to buy.
  3. Click 'Buy Now' and select your payment method.
  4. Once the information is added, confirm the payment.

III. Sending Bitcoin with

  1. Go to the 'Wallet Tab'.
  2. Select Bitcoin (BTC) or your currency of choice.
  3. Click on the 'Withdrawal' button.
  4. Enter the amount you want to send (deposit amount).
  5. Click 'Add New Address'.
  6. Choose a name for this address.
  7. Enter your receiving address (from your 'Personal Wallet').
  8. Do not send until you confirm the address is correct.
  9. Finally, confirm the operation with your Withdrawal Pin Code.
  10. When you make a withdrawal for the first time, you'll need to set up a Withdrawal Pin Code (WPC)
  11. It's important to save this information for future withdrawals.
  12. Once the funds have been received in your personal Wallet, you're ready to deposit!

** MyBookie will never provide a Wallet Address via a promotion e-mail or request your password or PIN via any type of e-mail.